What is Creative Evaluation?
Creative Evaluation is grounded in and inspired by the Creative Evaluation & Engagement Approach (Johnson & Johnson, 2022). It offers a non-linear way to align, learn, adapt, and embody the complexity of data and sensemaking. While also promoting equity, trust, healing, and transformative change.
When working with and in community, we also utilize Community-Based Participatory Research best practices (Wallerstein, 2018).
At Coco Canary, we use this approach with our clients to design, measure, and critically engage with their work. And we do this by using arts-based methods, principles-based approaches, and community-centric practices.
We break down the process below.

A visualization of the Creative Evaluation & Engagement Approach by Nora Murphy Johnson & A. Rafael Johnson. Drawn by Molly C. O'Connor
Our Process
Our process is intuitive. With any project grounded in equity—and has the outcome of shared liberation—it is necessary to have your heart and mind open to emergent change.
This is why our usual first step is Alignment. For example, before making a project plan, we start with relationship building, values alignment, principles development, and a context review.
Once we have a shared vision and guiding principles, we begin the Learning phase. This part prioritizes bringing community together and using creative approaches to gather feedback and collect data. This can be by using arts-based methods or by hiring Teaching Artists to facilitate community convenings.
We take what is learned and begin the sense-making process. This is when we analyze the results, preferably in and with community. Analysis can look like number-crunching (quantitative analysis), word-smithing (Thematic Analysis), and art-making (Creative Sense-making). From this analysis, we take what was learned and Adapt the learning into tangible action steps.
Usually, we end the project with Embodiment. For true change and progress to happen, individuals and organizations must hold themselves accountable. This is done by reflecting and deciding how things will look differently. We usually facilitate this conversation through a Data & Art Showcase ("Evocative Playback"), where everyone from the creative evaluation process comes together to experience the learning through an artistic medium. This event is usually facilitated by teaching artists and hosted by the creative evaluators and project team.

A visualization description of Coco Canary's Creative Evaluation Approach and a Non-Exhaustive list of art-based approaches. Designed by Molly C. O'Connor
Creative Evaluation Resources
Need more context or information? Here are resources where you can learn more about our process and the Creative Evaluation & Engagement Approach.
1. An Example of a Data & Art Showcase (Video)
Check out this video we made. It is called What is Evocative Playback? A Creative Evaluation Story, and it is based on a real-life project. We share this video with our clients and community members to give them an idea of what to expect when working with us. This video is available in English and Spanish.
The title page for the informational video titled "What is Evocative Playback? A Creative Evaluation Story"
2. A Creative Evaluation Case Study (PowerPoint)
Review our Case Study presentation to learn more about a Creative Evaluation and Community Engagement project Sully Moreno from Culture Shift Consulting and I consulted with Public Health of Seattle & King County (PHSKC). First, you can review a presentation co-created by Sully and I documenting and showcasing the work we did with PHSKC.
An image of the first page of the Public Health of Seattle & King County Case Study Powerpoint titled, " Creative Evaluation & Engagement: What is it and how does it look like in practice?
3. Case Study Narratives (PDF)
Coco Canary wrote their own case study summaries for our 2022 - 2023 Annual Narrative. We highlighted the Public Health of Seattle & King County project mentioned above, as well as a Creative Evaluation & DEAI project with Donte Curtis from CYD Consulting and Habitat for Humanity - Twin Cities.
The title pages for two Coco Canary case study narratives
4. Watch a Video of Molly C. O'Connor and Sully Moreno Presenting about CE&E (Video)
5. Buy Creative Evaluation & Engagement by Inspire to Change (Book)
Want to do a deep dive into the theory? Well, buy the book that is the foundation of my process. It is called Creative Evaluation & Engagement, Volume 1: The Essentials. It is written by Nora Murphy Johnson and Andy Rafael Johnson from Inspire to Change.
The cover for the Creative Evaluation & Engagement book by Nora Murphy-Johnson and A. Rafael Johnson.
6. Watch a Video Created By Our Previous Client Public Health - Seattle & King County (Video)
Want to see what Evocative Playback looks like IRL? Our previous client Public Health - Seattle & King County documented the end result of our project: A Data & Art Playback (i.e., evocative playback). Watch this video to see how we utilized the creative evaluation & engagement framework for a community engagement project. As well as, how we involved local artists throughout the process!

Current & Past Clients
King County Hazardous Waste Management Program
Public Health - Seattle & King County
University of Minnesota - Dept of Forest Resources
CYD Consulting & Habitat for Humanity (Twin Cities)
ACT Research
Inspire to Change

An image of a community convening for a creative evaluation project
Have More Questions?
Then contact us! The best ways to get in touch are:
1. Send us an email at moconnor@cococanary.com with your questions. If you have a project in mind, please share those details as well.
2. Or fill out the form below.
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© Copyright 2022 Coco Canary Consulting, LLC
Photography: Dejá Jendro at On Display
Photography: Clarke Sanders at Clarke Creates
Logo: Henry DeGrand Design