A banner that sais We utilize the power of art and community to facilitate deep discussion, co-create equitable solutions, and be the change

The Coco Canary Newsletter

August 2024


Check out our 2023-2024 Annual Narrative, exciting business updates, civic engagement calls to action, our social justice grounding, personal updates, and more!

A photo of Ilhan Omar speaking at a Standing up for Racial Justice Don’t Agonize, Organize event. Photo taken by Molly O’Connor (7/27/2024 – Minneapolis, MN)

A Social Justice Grounding & Calls to Action


All Eyes On

Calls to Action

Front page of Coco Canary's 2023 - 2024 Annual Narrative

Business Updates

The Coco Canary Annual Narrative: July 2023 – June 2024 is Now Available!

For the past 4 years, we have been writing an Annual Narrative, which highlights projects and personal updates within the last year (July 2023 – June 2024). Check it out here OR if you are a TL;DR person, below is a synopsis:

Project Highlights:
Business Highlights
Impact Report (*NEW!*)
  • Volunteered countless hours, such as (1) being the president of the MN Evaluation Association (MNEA) and helping co-host our first-ever MNEA Conference, (2) Supporting native sovereignty through conservation events hosted by WakaĹ‹ Tipi AwaĹ‹yaĹ‹kapi, and (3) assisting with bee research via community science (i.e., iNaturalist)! 
  • Donated $1018 to mutual aid and social justice orgs!
  • Reduced my environmental impact by biking, taking transit, or carpooling to business meetings and events (see graphic below!)
A line graph with two lines. One green titled what I biked this year that says 7.3 CO2 lbs, and a gray line titled if I used my car instead that says 353.9 CO2 lbs

Other Business Updates

Molly on a stage with a podium with a powerpoint presentation in the background
Presented at the Visitor Services Association’s (VSA) 2024 Conference!

In July, Molly presented about Creative Evaluation, arts-based methods, and community-based participatory research to over 50 people—predominantly evaluators who work at cultural institutions, libraries, and other similar orgs. Sully was supposed to be a co-facilitator, but couldn’t make it!

A visual titled, "Coco Canary Is Seeking 2024 Clients."
Coco Canary has Room For One More Project in 2024

I have space for one more project in 2024. I am currently waiting on responses for a few RFPs, but reach out if you want to bring me into a current project or if you have an RFP you want to include me on! As for 2025, I have room for 2 more projects. 

A photo of three people playing on a stage. Molly is playing a clarinet
Healthcare Liberation Concert & Fundraiser

I got my clarinet out to fundraise for the Healthcare Reparations Cooperative! With the help of 3 other bands, we raised over $1300. Keep an eye out for upcoming concerts, and hopefully an E.P. release in 2025!

A photo collage. Image descriptions are below

Personal Update

Molly Got Married and Spring / Summer Joy!

On May 19th, I got married to my lovely now-husband, Michael. Over 100 friends, family, and beloveds joined us from all over the world (my friend Irina came from Finland—she is pictured above in the light blue jacket!!). It was such a special day, and I feel so grateful for my community, who came together to help make it happen. After the big day, a small group of family and dear friends joined us up north for our “Friend-moon.” 

Above are images of our wedding and joyful spring-summer adventures. Below are image descriptions from top left to right.

Image 1: Molly and Michael with colorful streamers as they walk down a wedding aisle just after saying their “I Dos.”

Image 2: A photo of Irina posing in front of High Falls, the highest waterfall in Minnesota, in Grand Portage State Park. If you like pottery, check out Irina’s pottery at Potterybilities via Instagram!

Image 3: Molly biking with her friend, Franco. Franco was the officiant for her wedding, and as part of his payment, Michael and Molly helped him buy a new bike! 🙂

Image 4: Molly getting her face painted for Pride!

Let’s Stay Connected!

To keep up to date with my business news, connect or follow me on Linkedin. Don’t forget to follow our newsletter below! And, of course, if you know of anyone who may benefit from our Creative Evaluation services, send them our way. Referrals are what make the world go round.

In solidarity,

Molly O’Connor (she/her/hers)
Founder, Principal Consultant, and Creative Evaluator
direct: (612) 868-0364
email: moconnor@cococanary.com
website: cococanary.com

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