It is Official: I am a Published Researcher!

Hello all,

A bit of good news to share!

I am officially a published researcher in the Journal of Museum Education. My article is titled Exploring How Awareness-making Elicits Meaning-making in Museum Visitors: A Mixed Methods Study. Some of you may know that this research is from my master’s thesis, which means that if I include the toil of graduate school, this whole process took a total of 3+ years (start to finish!). Gosh, it feels amazing to have it stamped-and-delivered. It was a goal of mine to be published in a journal. So, now I can check off that box! And, who knows, maybe I’ll write some more soon??

What was fun with the whole process of sending in my manuscript iterations was getting to know the journal editors. And, through the process, I was asked and accepted to be an editor for the Journal of Museum Education. I’ve enjoyed being behind the double-blind curtain and helping authors improve their work! I recently read an article about dance in the museum, which was lovely—and needed some more TLC.

Before I log off, I wanted to let y’all know that if any readers are either considering writing an article or are amid their manuscript, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I would be happy to be the cheerleader on the sidelines! This also includes people who are considering getting their master’s degree. Especially if you’re considering a master’s in Natural Resource Science & Management from the University of Minnesota (that’s what I got!).

Thanks to all who helped me along the way. You know who you are.


Molly, data collector extraordinaire!